YOUR INFO: (Required)BAG DESIGN:Bag Dimensions: Type:cmInchesW:H:L: Material:Non-woven polypropylene (nwpp)Woven Polypropylene (wpp)Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET)Material Color:These are the available fabric colors for private-label orders from 7500 to 10,000 quantities.Orange 021CGreen 341CGreen 342CBlackNavy 289CBlue 287CPRO BLUCPurple 267CPink 233CBRG 505CRed 186CYellow 124CBrown 175CMCHA 7504CTAN 7500CWHITEFor orders starting at 10,000 quantities, any PMS color is available. Please allow extra time for the fabric dyeing process. Quantity:Bag Lining: Double layer bag for water proofing.YesNoUnsureHang Tag: Create a private labelYesNoUnsureAddition Details:Input this code: Δ