Our Green Bag factory has always felt a responsibility to raise the bar when it comes to transparency. This includes origins and sourcing methods of products used to manufacture their reusable green bags.
Consumers have a responsibility to actively seek and demand before determining their purchase to know where and what are the origins and sourcing methods of materials used to make their purchase
Our Zerowaste Products customers are certainly entitled to know this information which is readily available through our factory at all times.
Factory Standards:
Our factory’s standards work only with a select and limited number of preferred partners under a conditional Supply Agreement. Each partner’s facility is supervised and managed through our factory’s own Quality Control Team and has a responsibility for overseeing the continued adherence to approximate factory standards in the areas of employee, health and safety.
International Standards Accreditation:
Our factory’s standards work only with a select and limited number of preferred partners under a conditional Supply Agreement. Each partner’s facility is supervised and managed through our factory’s own Quality Control Team and has a responsibility for overseeing the continued adherence to approximate factory standards in the areas of employee, health and safety.
Fair Trade Labor:
As a producer of a non-consumable product, our factory cannot participate in the internationally recognized fair trade labor movement. Nevertheless, our factory strongly supports the principles and practices it promotes.
The working conditions, remuneration, and health and safety standards, as they affect the welfare of our factory partners’ employees, have always been and continue to remain so today, the critical factors in considering and selecting who our factory is prepared to work with.
Unlike a number of our competitors, our factory do not engage middle agents, sourcing companies, or other third party suppliers, as their activities are often suspect and prompt serious ethical and legal questions regarding workers’ rights and conditions.
All products supplied by our factory carry a clearly visible and identifiable label either inside or outside our bags. Our factory now a well established Green Bag brand is easily recognizable, making the task of tracing the origins of our products simple.
Thank you in advance for considering us as your reliable supplier and have referrals upon request.